George Metropoulos McCauley
Helena, MT
Did you recently break something from your ceramic/pottery collection, if so what was it and what memories/associations/artist did that object hold for you?
Last week my famous pottery dog Jimmy and I were playing, unfortunately near a shelf, and we knocked over an Yixing Teapot. A few years ago the Chinese Government invited me to participate in an exhibition and do some workshops. We visited Yixing and I met a beautiful potter who knew my work, I loved her teapots and of course I wanted to buy one. She made lovely Jasmine tea , and we had a long conversation when she then asked if she could buy a piece of mine. To my delight we ended up trading. It is this same extraordinary teapot that Jimmy and I broke. I had a wonderful time in China and was treated so very well. My casual style of work is foreign to them but was accepted with such interest. The teapot was placed so that I saw it easily. I still have the memories.
In an alternate life, what would you be doing?
I love music and fell strongly it is the highest art form. Music touches everybody without regard to education, socioeconomic situation, age etc. In high school through undergrad I was in bands, played guitar and sang. I have always wanted to be a singer and reach people through their emotion. I have my original Gibson guitar that is now 60 years old. Circumstances have ended any public music work, however I remain a performer through my workshop schtick.