Alexis Tellefsen

Middletown, NY


Share the most significant thing that happened to you and your work/studio practice in 2022?

2022 was my first full year of employing my two part-time assistants, Lena Chin and Leo Minksy. They both bring so much light to my life and my practice, and I am so grateful and proud to have them with me in the studio.

In an alternate life, what would you be doing?

In an alternative life I think I would be a fiber artist. Every winter when I take a little down time away from clay I always turn to quilting and collecting fabric. To be fair, I haven't made much progress on any of the quilt projects I've started but they're always waiting for me. I love them for being long term, stress-free and always incomplete.

What music, audiobooks, or podcasts are filling your studio airtime lately?

I recently discovered that my new favorite genre of new music is Alternative R&B - I cannot get enough Pip Millett and Arlo Parks in my ears!


Trae Story


Hannah Thompsett