Scott Jelich

Anchorage, AK

What music, audiobooks, or podcasts are filling your studio airtime lately?

More often than not I have the music of Jerry Garcia is playing in my studio. Guitarist Steve Kimock has also been a staple in the rotation for a long while now. I find a lot of joy in listening to both their works and live recordings, they keep me moving and focused through long sessions in the studio.

In an emergency, where you can only save one ceramic object- what piece do you rescue and why?

Several years ago, in the early morning an earthquake shook our house. I quickly realized it was going to be bigger than the “little shakers” we get from time to time. As the ground began to really roll, I ran from the safety of the bedroom door frame and haphazardly began grabbing pots off the shelves and counters. I tossed them onto the soft pillow-filled couches and chairs in our living room as the house shook and precious cups toppled from the shelves. By the time the quake was over I was back in the door frame still holding one pot: a big, pink, blue and yellow pitcher made by Josh Deweese. Sadly, we lost a few great pots that day, but I am thankful a lot of really great ones, like that pitcher, survived. 


Janice Jakielski


Matt Jones