Sarah Heitmeyer

Fishkill, NY


In an alternate life, what would you be doing?

I would be running a cafe with the best brunch!

In an emergency, where you can only save one ceramic object- what piece do you rescue and why?

A cup by Stephen Colby. I believe this was the first handmade craft piece I bought in undergrad when the Artstream came to town. The shape is perfect and the surface treatment has just the right amount of looseness and craftsmanship.

What music, audiobooks, or podcasts are filling your studio airtime lately?

Two regular podcasts for me are Pivot and On, both featuring Kara Swisher, a tech journalist. I can't get enough of her attitude and self confidence. She is really respected because she asks really smart questions but doesn't take any bullshit.


Ariana Heinzman


Maxwell Henderson