Maxwell Henderson

Lincoln, Ne


In an emergency, where you can only save one ceramic object- what piece do you rescue and why?

My first wheel-thrown bowl I made freshman year of high school. It’s no taller than 3 inches, and it’s made with Laguna’s LB Blend clay, glazed with Val Cushing’s Green Blue Black (applied too thick, of course). On the foot is inscribed in contrived cursive “Maxwell Henderson 2012”.

What music, audiobooks, or podcasts are filling your studio airtime lately?

I often find myself waiting for the next episode of Vox’s podcast "The Gray Area with Sean Illing", a philosophical take on primarily culture and politics. But this week, I’m glued to BBC’s series "Nazis: The Road to Power.” It’s eerie how similar it is to the political and cultural climate we’re in. For music, check out TSHA’s “Change,” SZA’s “Good Days”, and Home’s “All At Once” (3 current favorites of mine).


Sarah Heitmeyer


Lynne Hobaica