Breana Marie Ferreira

Pomona, CA


In an alternate life, what would you be doing?

In an alternate life, I like to think I could have been a decent accountant, a conservator, or an acoustic ecologist.

In an emergency, where you can only save one ceramic object- what piece do you rescue and why?

In an emergency, I would rescue a little soda fired mug made by Horacio Casillas in 2017. This mug marks my introduction to the world of handmade ceramics and the clay guild I would soon be associated with, it is the first of a beloved personal collection, it may be the most comfortable mug I own, and its never not been purposefully placed at the front of the cabinet.

Why clay?

Clay can be wonderfully complicated. It can ask that you communicate rather than control, that you listen with patience and presence, and that you embrace challenge and curiosity. In this way, it can exist as an honest reflection of the self that is evident throughout the process and preserved within the product.


Lily Fein


Daniel Garver