Lucy Fagella

Greenfield, MA

What music, audiobooks, or podcasts are filling your studio airtime lately?

When I am throwing at the wheel I listen to pretty chill music. Gregory Alan Isakov, Beta Radio, Brandi Carlie, Valerie June, and some oldies like James Taylor, Van Morrison and Emmylou Harris. When I am trimming or glazing I tend to listen to podcasts. Tales of a Red Clay Rambler, How to Save a Planet, and The Moth are my faves.

In an emergency, where you can only save one ceramic object- what piece do you rescue and why?

I would save a large platter that Val Cushing made and Angela Fina glazed from a workshop the Asparagus Valley Potters Guild hosted shortly before they both passed away. Val and Angela were my mentors and the platter is just so special to me. I was Val’s glaze lab assistant when I was at Alfred. Angela lived close by me and taught me a lot about the business end of pottery. During the workshop our guild hosted, Val wanted me to assist him once again, but this time by preparing all his clay for his demos. So I wedged the clay for the platter I now own, which Val made and Angela glazed after the workshop. All of the work Val made at the workshop was auctioned and all of the proceeds were donated to CERF. I was very happy to nab the platter!


Ruth Easterbrook


Lily Fein