Casey Beck

Lincoln, NE


What music, audiobooks, or podcasts are filling your studio airtime lately?

Oh, I am a big music lover and am always listening to music in and out of the studio! There are two online radio stations that I listen to frequently, MPR's classical guitar station and DKFM, a shoegaze and dream pop station. But I also love listening to albums and playlists that I have created and recently been listening to a lot of the bands Dead Rabbits (UK), 93millionmilesfromthesun and Alison's Halo. There is also a band by the name of Baby Cool that has an album coming out soon that I am very much looking forward to listening to!

What new ceramics have you added to your collection? 

I just got this little mug from Josh Scott that is perfect. I use it at least 5 days a week for my morning coffee. It is the perfect small 8ish oz mug with a one finger handle. I nice little easy sipper that requires your attention to refilling which also keeps the coffee always fresh and warm! The surface is also exquisite; the whole range of brown colors one can get out of a reduction cooled woodfiring, along with some great rusty oranges painted overtop horizontal banding.


Hayne Bayless


George Bowes